Google Classroom
DATE, PARTNER AND COUNTRY: June 6th, 2022, June 8th, 2022, June 13th, 2022, Goinno, Slovenia.
Nº OF DAYS: 3.
How it was the experience, what activities did you do, etc…
The activities were done with 8th-grade pupils in Brezovica Elementary school. In Slovenia, there are 9 grades of elementary school. Hence, the group of 8th graders was the best group to do the testing with since they will be choosing their further education and possibly future careers during the following and final elementary school year.
The methodology testing was carried out during 3 meetings. Using Google Classroom would generally be a long-term activity and is interconnected with all the rest of the vocational guidance activities, representing an online tool for the teachers to guide the group of pupils and for pupils to have everything related to educational
guidance gathered and accessible in one place. Google Classroom is also meant as a support frame for other methodologies, especially the online version of Participants’ Diaries.
Due to a short testing period, we could not put Google Classroom in proper use, but only did some segments. Together with the mentor at the partner school Brezovica we set up a Google Classroom where we uploaded materials about self-evaluation and career orientation. We have uploaded the materials that have been done in class and we have set up a Google Form (Worksheet 8: A business Idea, as suggested in
the methodology "Participants’ Diary") so that students could transfer what they did in class into an online format which will be saved and accessible via Google Classroom for later use or review etc.
Students were encouraged to think about different career options in a fun and
interactive way. The students all gave very positive feedback on the activities. At this age, pupils are already quite confident at using online tools. Combining meaningful content with online work turned out to be a very stimulating way of learning.