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Image by Viktor Talashuk

Mission Based Survey

DATE, PARTNER AND COUNTRY: September 09th, 2022, Italy for EU, Italy.

Nº OF DAYS: 1.



The activity called "Mission Based Assessment survey" has been done with three students during a lesson. They had to answer some simple questions, made by the teachers, about the internships they did during the past months, in order to evaluate their activities and better understand how the training went. Doing this activity, followed by the teachers, they had the opportunity to understand in a deeper way if their experience has been good or not, and if it was helpful or not for them. They answered some questions such as:

● Who is the owner / owners of this company – work centre?
● When was the Company founded?
● Where is It located?
● Describe the process needed to apply or to access for a job post in this workplace or any other operating in the same field
● Define with your own words the different roles that you have been in contact with during your visit to the company
● Describe the tasks done by each worker you have been in contact with and the results they have achieved, Investigate what studies are required to apply for each role.
● Make a list of what work tools are required in that job. Suggest other ones that come to your mind.
● Investigate the average salary for these jobs or roles you have observed in the Company.
● What aspects of your educational experience in the Company would you highlight?
● Which ones would you change?
● Do you have any conclusions of any kind about this experience, this work centre and your future career?
● Why would you (or wouldn ́t you) follow the path to be hired for this company or any other like this one?


Students reported that this activity was very helpful because they had the opportunity to discover new aspects about their internships that they didn’t think before, and they said they liked it, because it permitted them to evaluate their experience in a different way, which isn’t just talking as the normal procedure with the teachers.


The "Career activities diary" methodology implemented in Slovenia.


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