Activities Diary in Spain
DATE, PARTNER AND COUNTRY: November - April 2022, Madrid.
Nº OF DAYS: 1 every month.
This activity is complementary to the “writing a diary” activity. This is the reason why another group of 3º ESO was chosen to do the activity. The process is somehow similar, but the main difference is the use of ICT to create the final content.
The students start by reflecting on their vocations but, this time, they need to do some online research on them. In the Google drive they share with the teacher, they have to add the different links where they have done the research.
They also start their own online diary that is shared with their classmates. They may use any resource they feel necessary, such as images, videos, etc… Once the documents are shared, each student selects another’s diary and their aim is to offer some feedback, suggestions, ideas that can prove useful for the students.
The last day of the activity (in April), they will write again their first entry in the diary and compare it to their first version, so that they can see if their perspective has changed throughout the school year.
By the end of the activity, students will have worked on their vocations and they will, hopefully, be able to choose their 4º ESO subjects with more specific criteria.
Students also enjoyed the activity, but there are some major differences with the
“Writing a diary.” The atmosphere in the classroom was not so quiet and
introspective, as they were in the Computer Room and they had to share a computer every two people. Besides, doing research online on images and videos also created a livelier atmosphere in the classroom.
Some of the students appropriated the topic in some unexpected way, as the girl
who wanted to become Rapunzel.
Some students got rid of some prejudice about certain vocations thanks to the online research and, mainly, to the other students’s remarks and opinions.
The activity is still in progress, so there will certainly be new – and maybe different – feedback later on.