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Image by Viktor Talashuk

Activities Diary

DATE, PARTNER AND COUNTRY: June 6th, 2022, June 8th, 2022, June 13th, 2022, Goinno, Slovenia.


Nº OF DAYS: 3.







How it was the experience, what activities did you do, etc…

The activities were done with 8th-grade pupils in Brezovica Elementary school. In Slovenia, there are 9 grades of elementary school so the group of 8th graders was the best group to do the testing with since they will be choosing their further education and possibly future careers during the following and final elementary school year.

The methodology testing was carried out during 3 meetings. Since Participants’ diaries would generally be a long-term activity but now the testing time was limited to a few weeks, we could only do a small number of the activities that would be a part of this kind of diary:

- Presentation of the EDU.Guidance project.
- Pantomime game on the topic of professions.
- Guess the occupation game.
- Work in groups and brainstorming for business ideas.
- Developing the chosen business idea in a group.




Students were encouraged to think about different career options in a fun and
interactive way. They learned one of the techniques how to develop a business idea
(brainstorming, choosing the best idea, developing the concept and reporting to the rest of the participants in class). Pupils were very creative, some of the groups even focused to develop business ideas that would benefit the whole community.

The students all gave very positive feedbacks to the activities. They found the
activities fun and interesting. They are aware that they will need to make a decision
about their future in the following school year and they were participating actively
and enthusiastically. The students also stated they were looking forward to doing
more activities like these.


The "Career activities diary" methodology implemented in Slovenia.


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