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Image by Viktor Talashuk

Social Media Based Guidance in Portugal

DATE, PARTNER AND COUNTRY: February 3th, 2023, EPROMAT, Portugal.


Nº OF DAYS: 1.







The activity called "Social Media Based Guidance" has been done with sixteen students during a lesson.

This activity was divided into three distinct moments: the exploration of possible future professionals, the analysis and creation of LinkedIn and the creation of the CV.

In the first stage, the students shared their expectations for possible jobs. They identified the jobs and workplaces where they would like to work, which allowed them to reflect on their life projects.


In the subsequent activity, students were introduced to the LinkedIn
platform as a method of personal marketing and job search. They explored the platform, recognized some of the companies present on it and even analyzed their future projects based on these companies. Afterwards, they created their own LinkedIn.


In the last task, students were educated about the importance of building a good CV, analyzed the different components that should be included in it and finally, they built their CV using the Canvas platform.




The participants will, in the current academic year, will have the opportunity to carry out their first curricular internship. In this context, identified this activity as essential because it allowed them to create a toolkit that, soon, will be useful in the selection process.

Alongside this, they recognized the importance of investing in their personal marketing. They understood that the CV is the first contact that companies have with their profile, so it is important to conquer them through it.

For most of the students, LinkedIn was an unknown social network. After the session, they describe it as a "different" social network since its purpose is to connect professionals and create links within it.


The "Career activities diary" methodology implemented in Slovenia.


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