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Image by Viktor Talashuk

Involving Parents

DATE, PARTNER AND COUNTRY: January 18-22, 2023, Greece for EU, Greece. 


Nº OF DAYS: 5.







The group activity called “Involving Parents” involved 6 parents from the students of our school. Each student informed their parents about the project, as well as about the specific activity.


The purpose of the activity was to involve parents in their children’s career counseling and decision-making process. The students were interested in additional career counseling content and were at a critical point in their educational journey, preparing to enrollin secondary school next year.


The questionnaire was accessible online and included questions about parents’ attitudes towards career counseling, their involvement in their child’s career path, and the content provided by the school.


The questionnaire consisted of 15 statements that parents rated on a 5-point scale, and an open question at the end, about how they help their child choose a career path.


The questionnaires were completed by all parents. The methodology was followed closely, with slight adjustments made to some questions. The questionnaire was designed to be long enough for parents to give thoughtful answers.




The majority of responders agree that career counseling should be a mandatory part of the school curriculum. However only about half of them feel that their child receives enough suitable content and information at school to make it easier to decide on a career path.


Additionally, some of them strongly believe that it is important for their child to choose a profession that will make them happy, while a few parents believe that financial stability is an important factor in choosing a career.

When it comes to helping their child choose a career path, parents use a variety of methods. These include presenting different professions, talking about their own work and people they know who work in different fields, answering their child’s questions and attending open house days or informative events.


Some parents also encourage further education after high school, review secondary schools and admission requirements, and advise their child based on their goals and abilities. Many parents emphasize the importance of their child finding work that they will enjoy and find fulfilling.


The "Career activities diary" methodology implemented in Slovenia.


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